
My name is Alejandro Fernández. I'm a full-stack developer based in Amsterdam. Let's talk.

Skills (In no particular order)

  • Semantic HTML5 / CSS3
  • Responsive CSS
  • Javascript
  • ES2015
  • jQuery
  • EmberJS
  • Photography
  • Legacy browsers & Legacy code
  • A/B testing
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Git
  • Basic Bash programming
  • Basic Perl programming
  • Mac OS
  • Photoshop
  • Fireworks


June 2016

Started to learn Elixir

May 2016

Released messaging platform

Developed the interface for the messenger application to help customers and properties to communicate with each other.
  • SCSS
  • Responsive CSS
  • Redux pattern
Feb. 2016

Hackathon project with EmberJS and Electron.

I built a small desktop application using web technologies for the recruiting team.

  • ember-cli
  • electron
August 2015

Back to programming full time.

After three quarters as a Team Lead and many meetings I moved back to a full time developer position in the Post Booking team. There I developed tools for helping the customer after they have booked.

Oct. 2014

Team Lead Promotion

I was moved to the Group Search team, responsible of optimising the website for stays of more than two people. I managed a team of 5 people while I helped with the development tasks.

  • Management
  • Agile facilitator
  • Jira
June 2014

Became part of the interviewing team

Participate in the hiring process for new javascript developers: going to recruiting events and conducting interviews.

  • Interviewing
Jan. 2014

Started working at Booking.com

My first role was as a Javascript developer in the Locali{s,z}ation team. I was responsible of maintaining and improving the existing L10n APIs for time, distance, currency, etc. I also ran experiments for local markets.

  • Perl
  • jQuery
  • HTML::Template
  • API Design
  • A/B testing
Jan. 2014

Moved to Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

July 2013

Released Direct Seguros funnel

Javascript application to control the flow and the logic of the hiring funnel of a car insurance company. We had to integrate against their webservices to gather all the values for the funnel and to save the insurance offer.

The frontend is a SPA that communicates with a JSON API written with Rails. The flow of the multistep form is regulated with an adhoc state machine implemented in Javascript.

  • Capybara
  • Acceptance testing
  • Phantom JS
  • Rails
Jan. 2013

Moved back to Madrid, Spain.

Relocated to the Madrid office of The cocktail

Aug. 2012

Released Talishoes.com

Released an ecommerce for luxury shoes. The catalog was a backbone application that loaded all the products against an REST API.

Unfortunately the website is no longer online

  • Backbone
  • Rails
  • REST
  • JSON
July 2010

Released Gustavo Gili website

Ecommerce for a spanish publiser specialiced in architecture, design, photography and other arts.

  • Rails
  • ERb
  • Fireworks
Mar. 2010

Moved to Oviedo, Spain.

Sept. 2008

Started working as a Lead Frontend Developer at Diximedia

Part of the team from Prisacom started a company with their own newspaper: lainformacion.com. They offered me the chance to build the frontend from scratch.

  • jQuery plugins
  • Management
  • Subversion
  • Semantic HTML
July 2008

Launched new redesing of Cadenaser.com

Apr. 2007

First work as a Junior Frontend Developer at Prisacom

Mantaining high-traffic sites for the most important editorial group of Spain (elpais.com, as.com, cadenaser.com, cuatro.com, etc.).

  • Accessiblity
  • Semantic HTML
Apr. 2007

Moved to Madrid, Spain.

Gran vía
June 2005

First job as a developer. Path0 Informática

This was my very first job.

June 2005

Finished CFGS Administración de Sistemas Informáticos

Sept. 2003

Begin CFGS Administracion de Sistemas Informaticos

Started a two year degree in system's administration in “Centro María auxiliadora”

  • Networks
  • C programming
  • Operating systems
  • Linux
June 1999

First mIRC script

Internet started to seriously have presence in Spain, and the IRC networks were used by many. I learned to program doing a script for mIRC. Sadly that code is lost forever.

Sept. 1989

Very basic MS-DOS commands

C:\> a:
A:\> cd games
A:\games\> cd tetris
A:\games\tetris> tetris
Jul. 1984

Hello world!